After twenty stormy and tumultuous years, a dizzy and vertiginous whirlpool of drawing and painting, a never ending hurricane of music and dance and an endless fight with myself ánd my environment, I ended up in a period that, later on, would be known as my ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER ONE’. This period, a period in which I drew my inspiration from the ‘Early Netherlandish painters’ (Jan van Eyck - Rogier van der Weyden - Dirk Bouts - Hugo van der Goes - Hans Memling - Gerard David -  . . . ) and their self willed perspective. A perspective that, seeing the fact that it, in no respect, took into consideration the (up to then) unknown laws of perspective of Fillipo Brunelleschi (Firenze: 1377 - 1446), was considered as primitive. Théir approach of perspective ánd the way the Cubists (1907 - 1914 / Paul Cézanne - Pablo Picasso - George Braque - Juan Gris - Francis Picabia - Jacques Villon - . . . ) would, four centuries later, take by assault ánd destroy the ‘Brunelleschian perspective’, lay the foundation of my urge to exteriorise the all - transcending - omni ~ dimensionality - . The creations of the (from the art - historical point of view) quite important ‘Early Netherlandish Painters’ (‘Vlaamse Primitieven’), and of the equally important Cubists were the such and such stimulation for me to put my search for the time and space exceeding and all embracing nothingness, the - bio » « centric - way (see: ‘THE  - bio » « centric -  VISION’) on canvas. Whereas the ‘Early Netherlandish Painters’ approached tridimensionality out of their twodimensional restrictions, the Cubists transcended the same tridimensionality by creating an unprecedented multi - dimensionality. They observed ánd projected their tridimensional world, as it were, from different points of view at a time. Mý purpose, however, was, to transcend this multi-dimensionality by approaching ánd projecting the tree-dimensional world I once ended up in, out of the eternal infinity of the all comprehensive nothingness, out of the time- and spacelessness of the - omni ~ dimensional - ‘All’. An - omni ~ dimensional - ‘All’ that I only could attain by, starting from the world of the Early Netherlandish Painters, (a world on the crossing of the two- ánd the three-dimensional), transcending the multi-dimensional world of the Cubists. It would take three decades for me to achieve that aim. Three decades with three clear and distinctive periods, my so called ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER ONE’, ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER TWO’ and ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER THREE’. Three periods that were nothing more than the forerunners of the ‘EVOLUTION’ to come, my ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER FOUR’. During my first period, my ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER ONE’, it became clear to me that, despite the fact that the - omni ~ dimensional - remained  my ultimate purpose, I could only attain this - omni ~ dimensionality - out of the ‘classical’ way of painting, whatever the shape of de two-dimensional ‘canvas’ (plane) I used might be (see: ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER THREE’). I, however, never tried to disconnect myself from the three-dimensional world (see my three-dimensional creations) since this three-dimensional world is not only the essence of my existence yet  an  essential  and  inseparable  part  of  the - omni ~ dimensional - and - bio » « centric - universe. (see: ‘THE - bio » « centric - VISION). And, this way, I had to end up in my ‘EVOLUTION NUMBER ONE’, a period in which I, starting from a quite classical way of painting, distanced more and more from all sorts of decorum and, consequently, from all that could be considered as irrelevant. I drew my inspiration from the Early Netherlandish Painters and distanced myself from the classical laws of perspective. I projected what, in an indescribable way, took place in the world of my imagination, thát what troubled me the selfsame moment, on the time- and spacelessness of the achromatic plane. Each decorum, each reference to the tree-dimensional surroundings had to give in on the eternal infinity of the all-comprehensive nothingness, on thàt what I only could paint without painting. I approached my subjects from different yet, nevertheless, three-dimensional perspectives, hoping that, one day, I could find the key to the time and space transcending - omni ~ dimensionality - , but thàt, that’s another story . . .



bie baldwin elbio

space artist      


THE  - bio » « centric -  SPACE  PAINTING



1965 - 1975